God's Work, Our Hands.

Caring Cupboard
The Caring Cupboard outreach has always been meant as a “member participation” program.
Our members have embraced this mission and have been faithful in helping to keep the Caring Cupboard filled. With the budgeted money, we will continue to supplement the donations in the Caring Cupboard in addition to the member donations.
LSSI Christmas Giving Tree
Lutheran Social Services of Illinois Christmas Giving Tree is back! 25 children/teen gift wish name tags will adorn the Christmas tree in Advent's narthex starting Sunday, Nov 27 (1st Sunday in Advent). Sign up for the child (children) you select, purchase clothing (practical item) and toy/game (fun item) with $40 total value (increase from $30 in past years). Wrap gifts and put in one gift bag, with name tag tied to handle. Deliver to Advent by 10am on Sunday, December 11. For some children, these may be the only presents they receive for Christmas.